The Time it Takes from “I want” to “I have” is the Resistance in Between

There is a lot of talk about the law of attraction. It is all over social media these days (and everywhere else). There are also a lot of misconceptions that I see about it. The concept is pretty simple: you want it, stop resisting it—focus on it. You may say, I am not resisting it. Do you have it? No? Then yes, you are resisting it. The real emotion that you put behind what you desire is vital. You need to believe/feel as if you already have what you want.

What is resistance? The definition is: the refusal to accept or comply with something. There is a lot of resistance is in place in all of our daily lives. After all, it is through resistance that we exist at all. So, some amount of resistance is necessary. Carl Jung said, “what you resist not only persists, but will grow in size.” One example is: if you were told you were stupid as a small child, you would probably feel pain/shame. From the pain/shame that resulted from that incident, you probably created a pattern in your life, a resistance to being stupid or thought of as stupid, etc. Your focus is therefore on the pain or shame of that incident bringing you more of the same. You may want to have people, or yourself, see you as smart, but your focus is on the resistance to being stupid.

I have had my own struggles with my resistance (as do we all). Excerpted from my previous post: “It has been a long journey. In truth, until last year, I was fairly uncomfortable with my “gift.” I started trying to accept me for me a while back with many starts and stops, always me standing in the way of my own progress. …Up until that point I was just faking my way through, pretending to be something I was not. Well, it is one thing to want something and another to actually realize it.”

In short, stop focusing on what you don’t want and start focusing on what you do want. Believe in it until you can feel that wonderful feeling of joy that you will have when you get what you desire.

The Law of Attraction is the ability to attract into our lives that which we focus on. I hear people say things like, “it isn’t working for me.” Or I read advice on “how to make it work for you.” It is important to note that is called a “Law” for a reason. It means it is a LAW. It is not sometimes, maybe, kind of or sort of. It isn’t something that is going to fail you or shortchange you sometimes. It is always working. A law signifies a rule of action. And as a law, it is immutable. Not having what you want does not mean that the law isn’t working. So, if you find yourself saying, “It must not be working for me,” take a look at your perceptions or beliefs. What are you focused on? Really? Are you focused on what you don’t want? Are you focused on circumstances? Manifesting what you want isn’t about faking it or “trying” to be positive. You must embody that feeling/emotion of how wonderful it is now that you have what you desire. Ask yourself what is actually happening. Answer honestly. 

Next, consider what the implications are of having X. It will probably mean change. The person (you as you are) who wants X, does not have it. The person who will have X will be a different person. How do you feel about change? Resistant?

If you are going to believe in something, believe in it. Commit to it. Focus on it. Believing in something only when you have seen it is not the same as believing in it. The way it works is this: you will see it when you believe it.

*email if you have questions.